Driftwood Elementary School

Driftwood Public School serves 615 Students in Prekindergarten through 5th grade. If you're looking for a school in Broward, FL, you should consider Driftwood Elementary School. It's in the Broward School District and employs 38 full-time teachers. The school spends $12,073 on education per student, which is about average for the 190 elementary schools in Broward County. This school ranks 43rd among all elementary schools in Florida. School Digger gathered this information by using data from the U.S. Department of Education and National Center for Education Statistics. The school is also in the bottom 50 percent when it comes to overall test scores. Official site

Driftwood Elementary School is ranked 43rd highest among 190 elementary schools in the Broward School District

Driftwood Elementary School is one of the top public schools in the Broward School District. With approximately 610 students in grades Prekindergarten through 5, it is one of the highest ranked schools in Florida for student performance. The school ranks in the top 50 percent for overall test scores and reading and math proficiency.

Compared to the other schools in the Broward School District, Driftwood Elementary School ranks 43rd highest for student achievement. A higher score in one area is usually a sign that a school is under-supporting some groups of students. High suspension rates are also cause for concern because they cut into time dedicated to learning and teaching.

It is Ranked 926th for Total Students on Lunch Assistance

Driftwood Elementary School serves 610 students in grades Prekindergarten through fifth. According to the Florida Department of Education, Driftwood Elementary School is ranked in the top 50 percent of schools in Florida for reading and math proficiency. Although it does not report its enrollment data, it employs 38 full-time teachers. The school's total budget is $12,073 per student. This makes it the 43rd most expensive elementary school in the Broward School District. Check it out.

It is Ranked in the Bottom 50% of all Schools in Florida for Overall Test Scores

Driftwood Elementary School is a public school in Broward County, Florida. The school serves 615 students in Prekindergarten-5th grade. It is ranked within the bottom 50% of all Florida schools for overall test scores. Students who attend this school have lower proficiency in reading/language arts than the Florida state average. Additionally, the school's teacher-to-student ratio is lower than the Florida state average.

Driftwood Elementary School has a higher percentage of students receiving free or reduced-priced lunches than the state average. This is because the area around the school has a higher poverty rate than the state's average. To qualify for free meals, a family of two must have an annual income of $20,449 or less. To receive reduced-price meals, a family must make less than $44,122 per year.

It Offers Advanced Placement Programs

Driftwood Elementary School is a local school that serves grades PK through 5. Its enrollment is approximately 615 students and 48 teachers. The student-teacher ratio is 13:1. Its students regularly achieve proficiency test scores that are equal to the state average. Currently, there are no advanced placement programs offered at Driftwood Elementary School.



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