Ortho K

How would you like to have perfect vision all day long for sports, work, or any other hobbies?
Are you tired of wearing glasses, replacing contact lens and don't want to risk permanent damage associated with LASIK? Afraid of LASIK and the possible side effects? Does the pain and prolonged healing from PRK have you looking for other alternatives? Then Ortho-K is for you!
Wearing these new wave contact lenses, allows the patient to literally sleep their way to waking up with 20/20 vision. The specialists at Elite Vision can fit patients of all ages in this technology, which has achieved great success with no pain, or discomfort.
Are you tired of wearing glasses, replacing contact lens and don't want to risk permanent damage associated with LASIK? Afraid of LASIK and the possible side effects? Does the pain and prolonged healing from PRK have you looking for other alternatives? Then Ortho-K is for you!
Wearing these new wave contact lenses, allows the patient to literally sleep their way to waking up with 20/20 vision. The specialists at Elite Vision can fit patients of all ages in this technology, which has achieved great success with no pain, or discomfort.
Through Orthokeratology, a specialized contact lens is developed to match the specific topography of the patient's cornea. By taking a topographic image of the cornea, we have the ability to gently and painlessly reshape the cornea to that of a normal 20/20 patient. Your cornea has ridges similar to the surface of the moon. Our eyes are shaped differently for each person, similar to how our fingerprints are unique. Using the high-tech topographer, the team at Elite Vision have the ability to match your unique eye pattern with a lens that will correct your vision as you sleep.
Ortho-K allows you to regain 20/20 vision by correcting the shape of your cornea. The specialized contact lens is taken off every morning and there is no discomfort associated with wearing the lens, or the reshaping of your cornea. You will be able to go about your normal activities, or tackle new adventures, with the confidence and clarity of perfect vision.
What Does Ortho-K Do?
Ortho-K allows you to regain 20/20 vision by correcting the shape of your cornea. The specialized contact lens is taken off every morning and there is no discomfort associated with wearing the lens, or the reshaping of your cornea. You will be able to go about your normal activities, or tackle new adventures, with the confidence and clarity of perfect vision.
The specialists at Elite Vision in Pembroke Pines, can walk you through the process with a brief but thorough consultation. Most children and adults are good candidates for Orthokeratology. Unlike LASIK, Ortho-K is not age restricted. There is no pain, or prolonged recovery period, with Ortho-K. This offers a major benefit over painful and invasive corrective procedures like PRK, which can take 2-4 weeks to heal and patients won't see 20/20 for a few months. Ortho-K can have you immediately achieve 20/20 results the moment you wake up, just after hours of wearing the contact mold.
Best of all, OrthoK is available at a fraction of the price of LASIK or PRK. Patients even save money within 2 years of switching from disposable contact lens and related products! The experts at Elite Vision are currently offering a complete Ortho-K package from $999. Contact them to schedule your consultation today!